Pregnancy & Acupuncture

To book an appointment call me on 07763 566710 or email me on visit my Facebook page

About Pregnancy & Acupuncture

Acupuncture gives relief for a range of pregnancy related conditions:

  • Morning sickness
  • High/low blood pressure
  • Anxiety
  • Tiredness
  • Constipation
  • Tender breasts
  • Migraine and other headaches
  • Back ache

Acupuncture can turn breech babies

A herb called Moxa is used and gently heats an acupuncture point.   Research shows that there is 80% success rate. In practice, Amanda has achieved 100% success rate.

Acupuncture and labour

Acupuncture can be used to help to induce labour in overdue pregnancies. It should only be used for induction when the mother has passed her due date.

Acupuncture treatment can occasionally have a very rapid effect, but generally speaking it may take at least a few days to work.

Ideally, it is best to prepare for the birth by having weekly acupuncture sessions one month before your due date.

After the birth

Acupuncture is used by new mothers to increase energy levels, to promote healing and to combat the ‘baby blues’. It is also very helpful in treating mastitis.


To book an appointment call me on 07763 566710
or email me on
visit my Facebook page